Monday, August 19, 2013

My First Sale. Squee!

Uh, oh.

What a thrill it is to have sold my first story. You heard me—my first sale!
And all that sort of thing. It will be appearing in December. I will talk a little bit more about that when the date of publication gets closer.
Other than that, I’ve been doing some writing, in between nursing the piglet through a bit of a bad summer cold. God, how I can’t wait for the little one to go back to school. The little rat wants to sleep with me, which puts a crimp on the old self-love life…just kidding.
Those Lithium-Polymer batteries will last forever.
A mother can be forgiven. Not that it’s much of a relief.
She’ll be exposed to every germ and bug in the county when she’s back in school, but they can’t be sick all the time.
In other news, I’ve got a couple of stories under submission. They were submitted to magazines that pay pretty good money, so we’ll see what happens.
I remain optimistic, whether it kills me or not. That’s what my friend says. She’s a lesbian. She kick-starts her vibrator and rolls her own tampons…I’m just kidding, ladies. She’s got an electric starter on the old Husqvarna.
A dirt bike for a dirt bag! That’s what she always says.
Other than that, keep your stick on the ice and your eye on the balls…whatever.
Sugar, I almost forgot.
You can get a free copy of my first ever literary effort here at Amazon, it’s called Project: Passion.

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